Saturday, I was lazy and just hung out with my babies.....we did not even get out of our PJ's until that afternoon! Sometimes, it is just nice to lounge and not feel the least bit guilty about it!:) Lauren called to invite Reed and Anna Grace over for pizza and a play date outside. Reed was super excited about seeing his buddy Lawson! He kept on saying....."I wanna go see Lawson....mommy" over and over again about a MILLION times until we pulled up to their house. It was cute how excited he gets to see his sweet friend. They played outside, jumped in the baby pool, played with "Woody", drove trucks around, Reed crawled through their doggy door a MILLION times, and ate pizza of course. Anna Grace was crawling and pulling up everywhere so it was busy, but I did manage to get a good visit in with Lauren:) We had so much fun and the kiddos were WORN out when we left!
Sunday, I was determined to get the kids ready for church all by myself for the very first time. I was worried how I might get them both inside since Reed still likes for me to carry him. We have the sweetest greeters that welcome us there and help me carry Anna Grace into church. It worked out just fine. We LOVE Cross Church!!! We all took really long naps after church! We had such a fun filled weekend and by Monday we were sooooooo glad to see daddy!!!! I think he was pretty happy to see us too:)
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