We finally got to see the doctor for her 2 month visit even though she was already 3 months!!! She was a perfect little angel in the doctor's office until she had to get shots:( The doctor told me she looked great so that is always nice to hear! She is definitely getting satisfied from her mommy;) Here are some of her stats from her visit......will fill in the blanks after I find her stat sheet.
Wt: 13.9 lbs 75th percentile
Ht: 23 inches 50th percentile
Head: 75th percentile
On another note, I have started back to work and it is going pretty good. I miss my babies like CRAZY, but it does give me some "ME" and "ADULT" time. I guess it helps me feel like I am someone else besides a wife and mommy....."a nurse" I love helping people and getting to talk on the phone so I have the best of both worlds.....a phone triage nurse position. Before I had kids, I worked full time for a Cardiologist,but after Reed was born they created this position for me. I work Mon, Tues, and Wed from 8-5 and get great benefits for both of my kids and myself! I may one day decide to stay at home, but for now....it is going pretty good. My day FLIES by since I am so busy, so it helps pass the time away from my kiddos!
Here is my little chunkie monkey!!:) Love those cheeks!
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