My mom was such a big help during the preparation. We served hot dogs and barbecue and we had to make sure all of the food was bought and prepared before the big day! My father in law was also a great big help!!! He prepared ALL of the barbecue for the adults. It was WONDERFUL as ALWAYS too! My cousin Nick and uncle Jimmy, and my dad were amazing too. They helped the day before with all of the set up at our family's duck camp.
I know at the end of the day, it really does not matter what all you put into a kid's first birthday. It's really the memories made that day that will last a lifetime. I will have to say I had all of my 6 cousins and all of their kids there. My good friends Heather, Lauren, and Craig and their kids. My aunts and uncles. My wonderful sister and brother in law and sweet little Isabella. My mother and father in law...Lolly and Big Daddy...My mom and dad...Nana and Pops and my sweet Nanny. It was a SPECIAL DAY for sure!!! God has truly blessed our family and I will treasure that day forever. Thanks everyone for coming to Reed's first Birthday!!! He loves playing with all of his toys too!
P.S I really wish I would have taken more pics of the kiddos but I was a little bit scattered.
The Birthday Boy!
Smile Birthday Boy!
When do all of my friends get here??
Reed taking it all in....not sure what this is all about yet??
Reed is thinking about possibly letting go...
The Party Table
Reed's Barnyard Cake....I thought it turned out cute;)
The Cupcakes
Mommy and the Birthday Boy!
Baylee getting ready to slide!
This is the only family pic I got during the party and I don't really like it....1. My husband is chewing a purple Now and Later. 2. My face looks so oily. 3. Reed has his fingers in his mouth and is cutting his 13th tooth!!! (that I did not find out about until our trip home.)That explains why he was not sleeping at Nana and Pop's house!
Reed and his Lolly!
Reed's Smash Cake (lovely black and red icing)
Reed before he got his cake....waiting patiently
Reed's first bite of cake!
Reed really looooved his cake and icing!
"More please Mommy!"
Do I have to wear this hat??
Okay, all done:)
Mallory played her little heart out:)
Reed getting ready to slide!
This is Baylee (my best friend from highschool's little girl) Isn't she a cutie pie?? She loved riding in Reed's Cozy Coop!
Mallory loved to slide over and over again! It was really fun to watch!! She even managed her milk while she was sliding! Too cute:)
Adorable decorations, cake and his outfit is too cute for words! What a handsome little man!
ReplyDeleteSooooo cute! I stole some of your pics! Hope you don't mind! ;)