1. Laughing and Giggling
2. Rolling over from back to front and front to back - He has this down pat:)
3. Picking his pacy up in his crib and putting it back in his mouth....so great! I watch him do this on our monitor.
4. Kicking during bath time
5. Bucking out of Car seat and Bumbo seat....I need a highchair quick!
6. Watching me and Cody (every move we make)
7. Army crawling
8. Almost sitting up...
9. Eating baby food...Loves bananas and pears:)
10. Watches his cousin very closely..He even rolled a ball to her last night (sort of)
11. Throws fits (I mean screams bloody murder sometimes)So embarrassing when in public.
12. Stands up sometimes in the bath tub with my support...scary
13. Coos and talks in the car
14. Sleeps all night (only when we are lucky) I have faith he will get there soon.
15. Swims in his baby floaty
16. Loves for me to sing and read to him
17. Plays in his exersaucer all the time
18. Loves Bath time always.
19. Plays peek a boo
20. We introduced a sippy cup...He has done pretty well with it considering it is so new to him.
21. Loves to play superman with daddy
22. Loves to ride in the car still....falls asleep usually.
23. Has 2 teeth on bottom and 1 more coming in on bottom
I am sure there is more...He is so much fun and we are looking forward to much more fun in the future! Will post stats soon!
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