Anna Grace is my happy girl! She loves to smile and I just love her little dimple;)
She is such a happy baby! She usually only fusses when she is hungry or sleepy. She loves to watch big brother play! He is paying more attention to her than he used to. I think he absolutely ADORES her for the most part. He loves to smell her head and give her kisses. He has tried to pick her up lately... He will say "Hold Grace" I do let him but he is not supposed to try on his own. He also likes to share his snack....he thinks she can eat whatever he is snacking on. One day I found a tortilla laying by her in her swing! lol! At least he likes to share! She is now 6 months old and I cannot believe how time flies!!! It makes me so sad. She is army crawling everywhere and has almost figured out the proper form. She rocks on all fours like she is ready any day! Reed is so much fun and keeps us laughing! He is talking ALL the time.....He loves to say mommy, mommy and I say what Reed? He just wants my attention b/c he does not say anything....little stinker! I have been bad about taking pictures so I don't have hardly any from Memorial Day:( Here are some random pics.
Anna Grace's first time to swing!
She loved it!!!
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