Reed had an accident during the Memorial weekend holiday. He was staying the week in ElDorado with our parents. He was playing outside in the backyard and fell and tripped over a tree stump. He jammed his front tooth up into his gums....ouch! Big Daddy and Lolly rushed him to a Pediatric dentist in ElDorado to have him evaluated. They did x-rays and thankfully since the tooth was not bent back and it went straight up, they did not have to pull it. He recommended just watching it and following up with a dentist in Fayetteville. Well, we went last week to see Dr. Will! Reed LOVED their clinic and thought all of the animals were so neat! He was a big boy when it was time for Dr. Will to look in his mouth. He told us the tooth was coming down some and to watch it and follow up in a month. On a good note, Reed did not have any cavities!!! YAY!
Here is my little snaggle tooth!

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