Reed has become attached to several animals of Toy Story ....we spend half our day looking for "Woody's hat, Mr. Potato head's ears, eyes, arms, etc.... When we find them his eyes just light up with excitement!!! He is talking so much these days. He can answer questions and tell me exactly what he wants! He keeps us laughing at what he comes up with....Thursday morning we woke up and he could not find Woody. Well, he had left him at school. After he was crying for Woody all morning, I decided to go get him! He knows on Thursday's he usually stays with me, but he thought he had to go to when our neighborhood street can either go right to his school or left to "Wal-Marc" or Target. As I was turning right....he said "NO, mommy go that way pointing to the left! I thought that was pretty good that he knew his directions well enough to be upset about the way we went. I reassured him, I was not dropping him off, I was just running inside to get "Woody" He was okay after that! Here is a picture the other morning before we went to school....he had gotten up so early that he fell back asleep before it was time to go!:)

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