Mallory had to show us her PINK BOOTS before we left! Too cute:)
What would we ever do without our pacys??
Reed making eyes at Mallory!
What a sad face:(
Mallory laughing at Maggie
Do we have to take a picture???
Mallory brought me her Bible to read to them:) So sweet!
Cody and I decided to stop by to see Craig, Lauren, and Mallory on Christmas day! Reed has really not gotten to play much with Mallory so I thought they might enjoy each others company now that he is mobile!!!:) Mallory was really sweet to the "BABY" as she called him. She would bring me books to read to her. It was so cute:) Reed just loves being around kids so I think he had a great time too! Of course, he was teething during Christmas so he was a bit fussy and clingy! We enjoyed our short visit with the Smart's and I was able to snap a few pics while we were there. Enjoy!
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