Anna Grace decided to come into this world early. She was born Sunday morning, November 21st at 11:56 a.m. My labor was rough to say the least. My epidural wore off about 2 times until my neighbor came to my rescue. I was at a 9 feeling labor pains!!! He reinserted my epidural and it finally worked! My husband was so sweet. I don't think he has ever seen me in that kind of pain in my life. I was in tears, but it was all worth it in the end! Hats off to all of the women who want to have a natural birth. My family all made it in time before she was born....I woke them up at 1:30 a.m. to let them know I was in labor. Anna Grace weighed 7 lb 10 oz 20 1/4 inches long. She is just precious! She has been a really good baby so far. I am so thankful for a healthy baby girl! Reed thinks she is pretty sweet too! He gives her kisses and calls her Gracie!

She is just precious!!! I'm sorry your labor was so bad:(! That's not fun at all! At least she is here and healthy. You look great!